PC based digital dual-core SPM controlling system with
8 channels @ 24 Bit D/A channels
8 channel @ 24 Bit A/D channels
LCD displays for four A/D and four D/A
line sync and image sync output
control of up to three stepper motors
for the coarse approach
19" rack-mount housing (110 V or 230 V
power supply)
For the coarse approach, we provide many alternative options: slip
stick movements, steppers in x- and y-direction, ...
Gaming fun with Joystick 3D Control
Each controller includes:
PC in 19” rack server housing with TFT monitor
PCI-card interface with SXM-DSP for data exchange between PC and controller &lockin amplifier
an open source software under Windows XP Prof., which supplies all basic functions
for any SPM application but is also suitable for other applications.
Manual & Datasheets in English
A/D channels (BNC connectors):
input voltages: -10
resolution(nominally): 24 Bit
resolution(@ 160 kHz): 16 Bit
integrated adapted anti-aliasing filter
only 2 µs latency
D/A channels (BNC connectors):
output voltages:
-10 V...+10 V
resolution(nominally): 24 Bit
spectral noise density: 100 nV/Hz1/2
@ 100 Hz
digital inputs and outputs:
Line -Sync signal & Image-Sync signal
more adaptable TTL signals for costumer
specific funtions available
motor driver:
power supply: 12 V dc
power consumption 0.3 A per motor
Selected Features
(see also
simultaneous acquisition of almost unlimited number of pictures
(limitation starts for example at 20 pictures with 512 pixel due to the PC)
integrated distance control (IP controller) with over 6 different feedback modes
slope correction during scan
free parameter input during scan
4 different types of spectroscopy (any signal vs. distance, any signal vs voltage, ...)
computer controlled coarse positioning and automated approach
adapable to almost all hardware due to
free scalabity of all channels in physical units
offset correction for each hardware channel
sign inversion possible
relation between hardware channel and name is open
additional adjustment for user specific setups:
number of steps for stepper motor approach,
delays and repeat times for slip stick controls
Optional features
components for the mechanical movement of tip or sample:
Slip-stick power supplies and controls with adjustable parameters or
stepper motor drivers for x-, y- and z- direction or
three stepper motor drivers for vertical direction (levelling of a SPM head)
additional digital LockIn amplifier on the PCI card → dual reference mode available !! NEW !!
high-voltage amplifiers