A/D channels (SMB connectors): |
input voltages:-10 V...+10 V |
resolution(nominally): 24 Bit |
resolution(@ 160 kHz): 16 Bit |
integrated adapted anti-aliasing filter |
only 2 µs latency |
D/A channels (SMB connectors): |
output voltages:-10 V...+10 V
resolution(nominally) 24 Bit
spectral noise density: 100 nV/Hz1/2@ 100 Hz
Digital Inputs and Outputs: |
up to 4 adaptable for costumer specific funtions
Motor Driver: |
power supply: 12 V dc
power consumption 0.3 A per motor |
List price: 10.400 Eur
DS4 Module:versatile SPM controller for the automated approach
8 channels @ 24 Bit D/A and 8 channel @ 24 Bit A/D
control of three stepper motors for the coarse approach
For the coarse approach, we provide many additional options: slip stick
movements, steppers in x- and y-direction, ...
Gaming fun with Joystick 3D Control
Each controller includes:
a controller in compact module housing (for example: DS4L) or 19” rack housing
modern dual-processor
PC in Anfatec's PC design with TFT monitor
PCI-card AMU with SXM-DSP for data exchange between PC and controller &lockin amplifier
an open source software under Windows 2000 / XP, which supplies all basic
functions for any SPM application but is also suitable for other applications.
power supply for the DS4 module
handbook in English
Properties possible due to the software:
simultaneous acquisition of almost unlimited number of pictures (limitation starts for example at 20 pictures with 512 pixel due to thePC)
integrated distance control (IP controller) with over 6 different feedback modes
slope correction during scan
free parameter input during scan
4 different types of spectroscopy (any signal vs. distance, any signal vs voltage, ...)
computer controlled coarse positioning and automated approach
adapable to almost all hardware due to
free scalabity of all channels in physical units
offset correction for each hardware channel
sign inversion possible
relation between hardware channel and name is open
additional adjustment for user specific setups:
number of steps for stepper motor approach,
delays and repeat times for slip stick controls
HOPG taken with a DS4 module and a W-tip in air
Optional features:
components for the mechanical movement of tip or sample:
Slip-stick power supplies and controls with adjustable parameters or
stepper motor drivers for x-, y- and z- direction or
three stepper motor drivers for vertical direction (levelling of a SPM head)
additional digital LockIn amplifier on the PCI card dual reference mode available
!! NEW !!
high-voltage amplifiers
Controller Versions (examples)
These methods used by chemists and biologists need an easy to handle
software for the acquisition of vibration spectra and the selection of
suitable resonances. Anfatec has developed a simplified version of it's
controller for this application. A resonance history allows to compare
spectra with different parameters. Not used software parts can be
disabled for easier handling.
Combination of Attocube scanner and translation stages in home-built UHV-AFM
Attocube scan and positioning tables are a perfect solution for UHV
applications. Anfatec's controller is able to control these tables
directly from the internal software. During the high-resolution image
acquisition, the switching power supplies needed for voltage generation
are switched off.
Replacement for beloved Park Universal AFM's
Park Scientific Instruments has formerly built a series of instruments,
which is of extraordinary mechanical stability. One might keep this
mechanical construction and replace the outdated controller with a
proved solution from Anfatec, which has been developed in cooperation
with the FZ Karlsruhe.
Home-Built SNOM or IR-SNOM based on PI-scan-tables
The free scalability of the channels allows to limit the output
voltages for the scan tables to -2 V ... 10 V, as needed by scan tables
from Physics Instruments. Based on those tables and the closed loop
PI-piezo controller, Anfatec has provided several SPM controlling units
for home built SNOM systems. The mechanical realization has been mainly
developed by costumers, however, Anfatec is an open cooperation
partner, and supplies mechanically adapted photodetectors as well as
specialized mechanical solutions.
Replacement for UHV-AFM/STM systems
One of the implemented feedback modes in Anfatec's controller is a
vacuum-AFM feedback (comparable with the Easy-PLL, but without
self-excitation). Controlling amplitude, phase shift and distance
simultaneously in three different feedback circuits is a challenge.
Anfatec has a suitable and costumer friendly solution for it.
Especially, when a vacuum-AFM should be combined with electrical
measurements, Anfatec's controller is the most affordable replacement
for broken controllers. This controller comes in two units for
19” rack mounting. A recently developed unit for 800 V
slip-stick controls allows to control for example Omicron's translators
with 1 ms pulses in a very efficient and comfortable way.
Besides these applications, we use it in our Level-AFM. Therefore, it's
features are constantly growing.