How does the replacement work?The safest way of getting an older tool running again is to test the whole unit - microscope head with electronics. This is why we prefer that you ship us your Explorer head (which is small) so that we can test what might be necessary to do to bring it back to full performance. We offer repair on almost all parts (laser, scanner, linearization, illumination), however, things might be broken up to a costly level. If you order a controller, we do all the repair on list prices.What do you get?A new PC. A new controller. New software. Repaired scanners or heads - fully tested. Scaled and linearized with the new software. A description of all connectors and how to handle the system. AND, if you wish, a re-installation service in your lab.Why is it worth spending money?The TopoMetrix Explorer head has a unique mechanical design never matched by any other tool. Due to the full access from the bottom, the head can practically scan on any surface anywhere. Also, it enables a very special range of experiments: combine an AFM with ellipsometry or use your temperature control for the sample. Moreover, this Explorer controller improves the performance of your beloved tool. Scaner operate much more linear with our software. The small video screen is not required anymore - you can have that on your PC screen. Approach can be done with joystick. The LED illumination is much brighter and adjustable from the software surface. In conculsion - we are sure, you'll like these impovements. Technical ParametersController Unit 8 channels @ 24 Bit D/A, four of them predefined as X,Y,Z and Tip-Sample Bias,four of them available as auxiliary outputs.All BNC. 8 channel @ 24 Bit A/D, six of them predefined as TB, LR, SUM and three linearization inputs - accessible for monitoring through BNC connectors. Two available as Auxiliary inputs (BNC). Control of the dc motor that approaches tip and sample Brightness control for the sample illumination. Integrated high-voltage amplifiers. 1:1 pin-compatible output connector for the TopoMetrix head.
Interface board AMU2.4 with one lockin amplifier channel. Open source software. Script language as user interface.
Frame grabber interface for camera signal on PC. Manual in English. What can be repaired?Broken internal wiring. Replace depleated Laser diodes. Exchange broken or short-circuited piezo actuators. Provide new Z-Scanners with non-contact option. Clean and re-adjust fine-pitch screws. Exchange illumination lamp with LEDs (suggested - is part of this controller). |
Contact mode scan. 10 µm scan size. Contact mode scan. 30 µm scan size. Dynamic mode scan. 120 µm scan size. |