With Raman Mapping it is possible to asSIXn chemical information to the topography image.
Scanning of a sample utelizing a highly focussed laser beam enables optical imaging with a resolution of 400 nm.
It detects near-field resonant optical scattering by measuring the dipole-dipole force interaction through the AFM cantilever.
Visualization of plasmonic resonances is possible via optically detected scattering SIXnal of a cantilever tip apex.
The application of two z-piezos enables ultra-fast scans with superior image quality.
A 20x objective (NA = 0.6) with a long working distance offers enough space for various and non-flat samples. Additionally, an inverted 100x immersion objective with a numerical aperture of 1.45 ensures an enormous light collection efficiency.
Conventional AFM enables depth profiling of atomic steps on Silicon with a height of only 0.26 nm..
The KPFM mode provides access to the work function of samples with a resolution close to conventional AFM performance.
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